For athletes playing in youth football, a youth-designated helmet is required. Schutt youth helmets are the Schutt Youth Vengeance A11 2.0 and the Schutt Youth F7 LX1. Varsity helmets can be worn at the youth level if the helmet fits, but youth helmets are preferred at that level because of the helmet impacts commonly seen at the youth level compared to the varsity level.
Schutt youth shoulder pads include the Y-Flex and T-Flex Shoulder Pads. The Y-Flex ("Youth") should be utilized at ages below middle school or by fit, and the T-Flex ("Teen") should be utilized for teen athletes (middle school) in between the youth and varsity sizes or by fit.
For athletes playing football beyond the youth and middle school levels, a varsity-designated helmet is required. Youth helmets cannot be worn at the varsity level in any capacity. Schutt varsity helmets include the F7 2.0 Collegiate, F7 2.0 Professional, and the Vengeance Pro LTD II.
Schutt varsity shoulder pads are designed to be position-specific. Based on the athlete's position, select the model, and then measure the shoulder width for the best size.